Thursday, June 13, 2013

1 week in retrospect

So, as you probably have noticed we haven't been able to update over the past few days.  It's been a whirlwind of a first week, and we've seen and experienced so much already.  For me personally I would have to say that I have probably struggled the most out of the three of us.  It's been very humbling and for someone who considers themselves not physically weak to watch both of his brothers beast every hill climb.  The irony of it is that in the first stretch of the redwoods we started going through, I kid you not, Humboldt county.  Haha who'd have thought.  
That aside it's been incredible to see the beauty of nature which even when you have seen a thousand redwood giants it still doesn't get old.  Or even when you have seen a hundred fifty foot cliffs cascading down into picture perfect waves hitting little rock islets it still doesn't get old.  The beauty of the Lord's creation is incredible! 
This morning Dave asked me what was my reason for being on the trip.  I have to be honest in saying that probably my biggest reason is actually to pull back from the world and to take a sabbatical of sorts.   Although it is difficult physically and often emotionally, it already has begun to bring about rejuvination to my heart.    I am so thankful and blessed to be able to be a part of this, and I can't wait to see where we go from here!

460ish miles done
3740 miles to go
60 until San Francisco and then we head east


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